EATT 2023 Disturbance Demo – Unipass Letter of Authority by Origo
Unipass Letter of Authority (ULoA) is Origo’s flexible, secure, digital service, which solves the issues experienced between advisers, providers and platforms in sending and receiving letters of authority.
Providers can update the status of an LoA which advisers can see in real-time, removing the need for chaser calls.
ULoA is the faster, safer, greener and cheaper way to handle letters of authority.
In their own words:
“Unipass Letter of Authority (ULoA) is a flexible, secure, digital service, which provides one centralised hub to receive, review and receipt letters of authority. Giving your business more time to focus on its priorities. We’ve designed our service with input from advisers, platforms and providers in our user group.
The service is currently free for advisers and our latest update allows providers and platforms to join in the most flexible way using their own response packs with guaranteed, secure delivery. Providers can also sign up with one product, to begin with, and roll out more when they’re ready, to help their team get up to speed with the new approach to LoAs.
Our mission at Origo is to connect the FS marketplace for the benefit of everyone and ULoA aims to do just that. The current slow, laborious LoA process is hugely impactful on people’s lives. Now’s the time to join the revolution – improve efficiencies and save money by adopting this slick digital solution.”

Company Info
HQ: Edinburgh
Founded: 1989
Product Displayed: Unipass Letter of Authority
Presenter: Matt Noble, Head of Business Development